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Sublime Life

a change of seasons

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

Alright…. I have a confession to make, the weather isn’t always perfect in Bohinj. In fact, the past week has been a mixture of rain and fog as Winter wages one final assault on Spring, which has visibly arrived here in the valley in recent weeks.

In some ways the bad weather is a blessing in disguise as it provides us with a legitimate excuse to stay indoors and catch up on work and other chores we have been neglecting. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve blown off work of late after seeing clear skies and near perfect snow conditions on the webcam at our local ski mountain (Vogel). For some reason the promise of sunshine and freshly groomed snow always trumps sitting at my desk but the patter of rain on the attic roof over the past week has made this unsavory activity an easier pill to swallow.

That said... by Sunday with our to-do lists well and truly under control, we were ready to head back outdoors, and didn't intend to let a little bit of bad weather stand in our way. With the rain easing around 10am we set off for Vogar and decided to reassess our route options after the first 500m of ascent was out of the way. Arriving at the lookout, we found ourselves blanketed in heavy fog, a stark contrast from the sweeping views we normally enjoy. Despite the limited visibility the dry weather appeared to be holding so we pressed on opting to follow a logging road we hadn’t previously explored, which ran parallel above the hiking trail to Prsivec.

As we continued our climb into the dense fog it wasn’t long before the grass was replaced by fresh snow and temperatures began to plummet. We eventually rejoined the trail to Prsivec and decided to push on a further 500m to a lookout high above the lake. While our efforts were rewarded with a dramatic view of the lake shrouded in fog, we were both starting to feel the cold, so we took a few pictures and quickly set off back the way we had come.

Dropping down out of the snowline the temperatures began to climb and with the greenery returning our frozen digits were finally starting to thaw. Approaching Vogar we opted to descend using the access road that winds down into the valley via 6kms of switchbacks. Arriving back in the village it was as if we had returned from another planet. The battle lines are drawn.... Winter continues to hold the high ground, Spring has firmly entrenched itself in the valley and Summer is on its way. Bring on the Summer!!

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